Since 1985 we have been amassing a large library of information by following various threads. This process began with one very basic and general interest question, which in 2009 was incorporated into this monograph. In its turn, it created a continuous series of new questions. It was just like a pebble that was dropped into a pool of still water which caused ripples to begin a process of radiating in all directions.
The body of water was not still. Its surface was distorted by gusts of intentional obfuscation, and this posed a basic problem about how to discern truth from many versions of untruth. The answer was to follow the lead of detectives trying to unravel a mystery by discerning the truth behind claimed alibis.
Because human beings can only occupy a single space during a specific moment in time, we sought a method in which we could determine whether an alibi was true, or whether it was a lie. If it was a lie, then the claimed activity which took place at that specific moment in time, by that individual, did not in fact happen. From this understanding we coined our motto: 'Yesterday Never Happened'.
Contrary to the adage that if you don't know the past you are certain to repeat it, the fact of the matter is, if you don't know the authentic past, you are likely to encounter a contrived present that pretends to refer to a past that never happened. Often called political propaganda, it is one reason why the same time-based world events are interpreted in so many different ways by the nations of the world.
But this same art of deception, because that is what it is, not only shows up in commercial advertising for products and services, it is also exposed in courts of law when alibis are shown to be false, and when it is revealed that a defendant was not where the defendant claimed to be when an unlawful instant act took place.